Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moso Bamboo / Phyllostachys heterocycla pubescens

This is Moso Bamboo as it is most commonly called. This particular plant is a 2002 seedling I acquired from a fellow bamboo enthusiast, bamboo expert, and Nurseryman Gib Cooper of Gold Coast, Oregon ( Tradewinds Bamboo Nursery ).

 I'ts  been in the ground for about 10 years, has grown to 35 feet in height and 2 inches in diameter on a infertal Pine ridge in Southwest Louisiana, way out in a meadow in the woods where it gets absolutely no attention. I take people to see it every now and then, everyone loves it.

 In it's native environment in The Mountains of China, it can grow to an impressive 8 inches in diameter and 80 foot in height in it's man like  life cycle of 80 years, after which it flowers and then dies, sending it's hopes, dreams, and love into the future in unimaginable numbers of prayer-like seeds, each and every one possessing the power of oneness, to be of different shape, form, color, and behavior.

 Likened to men, what the power of many cannot do, the one has all power over. A sort of Benevolent Dictatorship is true.

 In the baron brown confusion of the dying bamboo forest, while the impatient man believes the world has ended, countless wise little seeds see an eternal beauty, an unbeknownst new garden in a distant time.
