Monday, October 21, 2013

Louisiana Tropical Greenhouse

These are some of my 2013 new experimental plants along with a few older reliables. Some are absolutely new to the Universe,  imagine that darling,  thanks to people who believe,  and really do change the world, just for you and me.

Foreground waterlily Albert Greenburg, far left  Miami RoseDirector Moore, far corner of pond  Trailblazer,  Bull's Eye,  Tanzanite, far right almost out of the picture  Ultra Violet.  The colors are fairly accurate except Trailblazer, which is a bit more yellow,  via smartphone.

These are tropical waterlilies, and will go dormant or expire at some point during the fall and winter when the water temperature falls below 60 degrees in zone 8b environment, however, the tubers will survive the cold better in a cold frame, or heated green house  where they can be forced.

  Most tubers do survive here which will provide you and all your friends with plant-lets identical to the parent...... If your already a gardener, and you really love plants, waterlilies are like fine wine my good friend, and will escort  you inside the colors, where you will experience impossible  beauty from within.  See link below.

In the far right there is a large dark leaved elephant ear. It is Colocasia Dragon Heart, at about 5 foot tall, it's only 3 months old from a 4 inch pot tissue culture.

The three dark stemmed bananas are Musa Thia Black . I'm thinking this banana is going to be the epitome of the phrase " fabulously elegant "...
